Sunday, 11 January 2015

Take Effective Action in a Slip & Fall Ice Accident!

Take Effective Action in a Slip & Fall Ice Accident! is a post from:

In the event that you slip and/or fall on ice when ice should be clear from the premises in question, be sure to photograph the premises where you have fallen subsequent to the accident as soon as you are able. If you have an available mobile phone or mobile device with access to a camera function, shoot as many pictures as you are able or have a witness or bystander snap shots from various angles. I have successfully defended slip and fall litigation to the appellate court and in my experience, a picture is truly “worth a thousand words.”

When photographic evidence of a scene is not present, the insurance company in question wilslip and fall accidentsl invariably claim that the owner of the premises where the accident occurred was diligent and took care in maintaining a safe premises. Without photographic evidence, it is problematic for you to prove the contrary. With adequate photographic evidence, you can ensure the insurance company cannot effectively make such arguments.

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