Monday, 12 January 2015

What to do if you are ever in a Slip & Fall Accident

What to do if you are ever in a Slip & Fall Accident is a post from:

If you ever slip/fall on ice when the area was not properly maintained (i.e. sanded or salted), take photographs of the scene of the incident immediately. If you have a possess a phone with a camera, procure a multitude of images from every angle. If you are unable to take pictures, ask a witness or anyone nearby to do so on your behalf. In my vast experience in the Court of Appeal with these types of cases, a photograph definitely has an impact on the success of the outcome.

Also, if no photographs exist of the area in question, any insurance company involved will normally contend the owner of the property where the accident occurred took all the necessary precautions to ensure the condition of the property did not pose any threats to a person’s safety. If you do not have a photograph, it will be extremely difficult to disprove the insurance company’s position.

Many people sustain numerous injuries when they are involved in car accident other than whiplash. These injuries include common physical ailments such as headache, dizziness, abnormal sensations such as burning or prickling, which is referred to as paresthesias, or shoulder and back pain. Also, others incur cognitive, somatic or psychological problems such as memory loss, concentration impairment, nervousness/irritability, sleep disturbances, fatigue or depression. All of these physical issues frequently occur and you should be examined by a medical professional immediately.

In Alberta, insurance companies have petitioned the government to limit the amount of damages received for what is referred to as ‘minor’ soft-tissue injuries. Bear in mind, a large amount of injuries sustained in a car accident, do not fall under the regulations of this limitation. If you are confused about what you are entitled to and if your injuries are privy to the limitation, get in touch with an attorney.

For people that are unaware, the Alberta government has instituted distracted driver legislation that will be commence on September 1, 2011. These regulations were produced to promote drivers paying strict attention to the task at hand. Distractions are classified as:

  • Using hand-held cell phones
  • Texting, emailing or surfing the internet while driving
  • Being on any electronic device including laptop computers, video games, cameras, video entertainment displays and programming portable audio players
  • Typing information into GPS units
  • Reading while driving
  • Writing, drawing, printing and brushing your hair
  • Talking on a two-way radio
  • Cyclists are included

Whether a person is ticketed for distracted driving will be totally up to the police and sheriffs witnessing the event. For instance, it is perfecting legal to drive with a pet in the vehicle, but if that pet poses a problem to how the car is being driven, that may be illegal.

Ticket fees are $172, which consists of $150 in addition to the surcharge.fall accident lawyers

Just make sure you use a cell phone that is hands free, as it certainly is a distraction while behind the wheel. The government hopes this legislation will reduce the number of accidents for these causes, as concentration while driving is imperative to everyone’s overall safety.

When your body partakes in a collision, it may incur a multitude of injuries to the neck area. Whiplash is a term used to describe any soft tissue problem in that region. This type of injury can also be referred to as a neck sprain or strain. The condition presents in numerous ways but generally appear after the neck has been harmed in some way. This is normally from jarring the neck or over extending its capabilities.

Whiplash is a frequent byproduct of a vehicle accidents and also can be present in intervertebral joints, discs, ligaments, cervical muscles and nerve roots. Signs of whiplash include discomfort in the neck that is apparent immediately after the impact or within 72 hours or more after the incident. Other signals of whiplash are stiffness in the muscles and ligaments. These are also referred to as myofascial injuries.

If you sustain an injury while on the job, there is a possibility you possess the right to bring a suit against the responsible party. If you are protected by WCB, in most instances you cannot sue for injuries that occurred on the job. The WCB legislation was produced to shield employers from legal action by employees in this circumstance. What the employees received in return for giving up this right was being provided with WCB benefits. This means the WCB becomes the insurance agent and is financially responsible for medical fees in addition to therapy programs. They are not responsible for pain and suffering costs.

A scenario where an employee can commence legal action for a workplace injury is when a machine is not functioning properly due to an issue that was present during its creation and that problem directly causes the employee’s injury. The lawsuit would not name the employer, but rather the company that made the faulty product. If your employment activity is not regulated by WCB legislation, you may also be allowed to bring a suit in the event of a injury while on the job. If you injured yourself while working and are interested in examining your legal options, contact an attorney.

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